Hair transplantation is a procedure aimed at achieving natural and healthy hair for individuals who have experienced or are experiencing hair loss due to various reasons (genetics, age, accidents, illness, etc.). In hair transplantation, the patient’s healthy hair is added to the bald, sparse, thinning, or hairless areas. The areas where healthy hair is located are called donor areas, and the hair roots are referred to as grafts. In this procedure, hair follicles are taken from donor areas and transferred to the hairless areas. The process typically takes 4 to 8 hours. Patients can be discharged on the same day and return to their daily activities the next day. The goal is to achieve natural and permanent hair growth for both male and female patients. This widely preferred procedure is performed using three different techniques: FUE, DHI, and FUT.
In addition to genetically caused hair loss, hair loss can also occur due to stress, accidents, and environmental factors. Depending on the patient’s condition, it can be treated with medication, vitamins, minerals, and/or a hair transplant procedure. According to studies, hair loss in an adult individual can begin at the age of 18 and continue until the age of 57. For individuals who experience permanent hair loss and are dissatisfied with it, hair transplant surgery is recommended as it offers a lifelong, permanent solution compared to hair prosthetics and hair pigmentation (hair tattoo).