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What is DHI Hair Transplant?

DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) hair transplant is defined as the process where hair is taken from the donor area without shaving and directly implanted into the recipient area using special needles. Since the hair follicles are implanted shortly after being taken from the donor area, the risk of damage is minimal. The DHI method, which facilitates implantation between existing hair, is also preferred in small areas.

Unlike the classic FUE method, after each hair follicle is taken, it is transferred to the recipient area without being stored, with an equal angle and direction. This method, also known as the “pen technique,” is performed using special pens called “choi” or “implanter.”

For more information about DHI (Choi Pen) hair transplantation, you can contact our call center or fill out the free information form.

What are the differences between DHI hair transplantation and classic FUE method?

  • In DHI hair transplantation, the same pen is used for both harvesting and placing the grafts. Both graft placement and channel opening are done simultaneously. In the classic FUE method, for example, if 4000 grafts are required, the grafts are first harvested, then stored, and channels are opened. Afterward, the grafts are placed into the opened channels. In DHI, the harvested grafts are placed into the implanter pen and transferred without any delay. During the operation process, an average of 30-50 implanters are used.
  • The immediate placement of the grafts increases the longevity and survival rate after the transplantation.
  • Using the implanter pen during the procedure makes it easier to define the angle and direction of the hair follicles, simplifying the process of determining their angles.
  • It allows for direct transplantation to only the necessary area without damaging the existing hair.
  • Since fine-tipped needles are used, the risk of scarring is very low.
  • It offers the advantage of performing the transplant in narrow areas, independent of the classic FUE method.
  • The recovery time is faster compared to the classic FUE method.

How is DHI hair transplantation performed?

  • Local anesthesia is applied to relax the hair follicles in the donor area. After being relaxed, the follicles are collected one by one.
  • The obtained grafts are placed in a separation container and prepared for transplantation.
  • The prepared hair follicles are then placed into the recipient area without delay using the implanter tool.
  • The hair follicles are placed in the correct angle with the help of the implanter pen, completing the transplantation process.

For more information about DHI (Choi Pen) hair transplantation, you can contact our call center or fill out the free information form.